NAR is on the forefront of creating positive change in the communities its 1.4 million members represent. As a leader in economic prosperity and cultivating opportunities, I understand that the decisions we make as an organization will affect the lives of Americans and the industries NAR represents, now and well into the future.
NAR’s diversity is expansive and far reaching. I instinctively understand the results needed to lead effectively. I have built relationships in each of your states and it is with your support that I can help ensure successful implementation of NAR’s vision throughout our industry, to continue to build communities, elevate our members and fulfill dreams.
It is important to me to be a part of an organization that is on the brink of incredible opportunity and yet bold enough to face challenging times and effect change. We are more than just a transaction. I look forward to helping lead the way in seizing all opportunities for REALTORS®, consumers, private property rights on all levels, business issues, and beyond.
If elected as 2022 NAR First Vice President, I expect to have the strong conversations, work with my fellow elected leaders to make tough decisions and lead NAR into the future with heart, integrity, and fairness.